Yogasana Health Tips -02

Yogasana Health Tips -02

 1) Pada Paschimottanasana (पाडा पाश्चिमोत्तनासन)


Sit on the ground with both legs, knees, and toes together. Bend the toes at the knees. Inhale and keep both hands straight on the head.

Pada Paschimottanasana (पाडा पाश्चिमोत्तनासन)

Exhale with both hands, grab the toes and bring the head to the knees and the corners of the hands to the ground. Focus on the Manipur Chakra

This action should be done five to ten times.


i) The spine is exercised. Also, stomach cells are energized so that they stay healthy.

ii) With the realization of this asana, the prana enters the Sushumna Nadi, and the power there is awakened, and the seeker attains peace of mind, concentration, and samadhi.

iii) This seat is very useful for strengthening the joints of the limbs and increasing height.

iv) Proof of this asana eliminates the disease of puberty in men and women.

v) This seat is the best among the seats.


2) The action of subtle exercise (सूक्ष्म व्यायामाची क्रिया)

Grinding on a subtle exercise the grinder should be done by first sitting in the position of foot grinding and holding the hand with both fingers intertwined. Inhale and bend back through the waist. 

Keep hands straight. Bend back until the grip is close to the waist.

 Exhale, turn the semicircle in front of the hand on the right side, touch the paw, inhale again and turn back in a circular motion on the left side. This completed a grinding cycle.

Thus do five to six cycles on both sides.

This relieves back pain, as well as reduces the size of the waist fat.

 3) Mayurasana (मयुरासन)

The body shape in this asana looks like a peacock. Hence it is called Mayurasana.


Mayurasana (मयुरासन)

First, place the fingers of both hands on the ground with the palms facing the feet and sit on the knees. Exhale by placing the corners of the hands-on on either side of the bembi. 

Lift the legs and head and keep them in a straight line parallel to the ground. Weigh the full body weight on both hands and stay in this position for as long as possible and return to the first position. 


This action should be done at least three times.


1) This asana removes anorexia and reduces the weakness of the abdominal organs. Also, stomach cells become functional.

2) This asana produces more digestive juices. Increases appetite. 3) This asana helps in observing Brahmacharya.

 4) Subtle foot exercises (पायांचा सूक्ष्म व्यायाम)

(Subtle foot exercises for toes, toes, thighs, hips, knees, and lumbar joint.) Action:

1) First stick the legs in front of each other and keep them straight. Keep the toes straight and bend in front of the paws and keep the knees and thighs straight. Then straighten the pelvis and bend the toe backward (towards the chest) as much as possible.

2) Sit with your toes straight. Then in front of the toes of both feet,

Stretch back on both sides 10 times on the left side and on the right side

Rotate 10 times.

3) Sit with a little distance between both the legs, keep the knees, thighs, buttocks stiff, bend the legs inwards so that both the toes touch each other, then bend in such a way that the outside of both the feet touch the ground

4) Place the heel of both the feet near the anus and stick the feet together and claw with both hands.

5) Lift both legs at the same time. Lean back down enough to touch the ground. In this action the position of the foot is like that of a butterfly flying hence it is called a butterfly.

Time: Do this action 10 times inside and outside.


1) It helps in joint pain.

2) Strengthens the muscles of thighs or buttocks.

3) It is useful to do Padmasana by rem