Why does fever occur after vaccination?

Why does fever occur after vaccination?

This question is ingrained in everyone's mind when it comes to some, it does not come to some, it comes after taking 1 dose, it comes after taking 2 doses.

Some do not come even after taking 2 doses, some have body aches but why? When the vaccine enters the body, exactly what happens. Is fever/limb pain due to vaccine or some other cause?

To answer this question, let us first briefly consider some of the functions of the body.

Why does fever occur after vaccination?

Some of the body's daily activities are fixed, like eating, it is digested. All the foods we eat are outside the body but the body knows them and the essentials (proteins, vitamins) in them are taken in the blood and the unwanted ones are excreted.

Sneezing / catching cold. This is because the body does not need dust. Also, some viruses/bacteria enter the body. Some immune cells recognize them immediately and pass them on to other immune cells so that unwanted viruses/bacteria are expelled from the body.

Some immune cells do this by producing antibodies. Part 1 works to build resistance against it. All these actions pass quickly.

All these actions are communicated to all parts of the body through the bloodstream, and the blood supply system speeds up the blood supply so that it can be prepared very quickly so that the blood pressure also rises for some time.

The sudden onset of such a condition causes the immune system and the brain to work together to raise the body temperature so that the enemy from outside will be distracted by it and leave/disintegrate within the body. It can also be called the first reaction of the immune system.

Now let's see what happens after vaccination.

A vaccine is a small part of a paralyzed virus-bacteria. Shortly after the injection, it enters the bloodstream, where the immune cells are aware of it.

 Immediately, the action begins as described above, as the immune system treats the virus / the bacterial component of the vaccine as an external enemy.

As the components in the vaccine mix with the blood/spread throughout the body, the body's immune system and the brain's response, the fever begins to build up.

All these reactions last from a few hours to 2-3 days, and once the immune system is identified and antibodies are formed, the fever begins to subside.

In general, all types of vaccines get a similar reaction from the body. Some people get severe reactions while others get mild.

Even small children get this type of vaccine after getting all kinds of vaccines.

But if the same vaccine is given multiple times, it does not happen every time because the immune system has a memory, and the body immediately recognizes that it is a pre-existing vaccine / virus-bacteria. For example, even if the polio vaccine is given twice a year, children do not get any problems.

This is because the memory of the vaccine is built up in the immune system of children after the first dose.

According to a report released in early April, about 35% of people in the world have a fever after being vaccinated, 85% have 1-2 days of pain at the vaccination site and 15% have complete body aches.

10% of people also have colds and stomachaches. For those who have allergies, dizziness and sweating are common, but they are rare.

All of this means that fever and body aches after vaccination means that the body welcomes the vaccine and reacts to it to build a mechanism to fight the real virus that will come in the future.


He takes ordinary paracetamol tablets after fever. Of course, these pills are effective in reducing fever. However, some natural remedies can also control the fever.

 Fever is the body's response to a viral or bacterial infection. Do not ignore 'such' fever in children

Basil -

Basil has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective properties. These healing properties help to improve the body's ability to fight off viral infections. Regular chewing of fresh basil leaves helps in reducing flu and fever.

Turmeric -

Turmeric is rich in curcumin. Its antiviral, anti-bacterial properties help in improving the body's immune system. Turmeric helps in reducing fever, phlegm, sore throat. For this, drinking turmeric mixed in a glass of hot milk helps. Licking salt, turmeric, honey is beneficial. There are 10 benefits of turmeric milk

Garlic -

Since garlic has diaphoretic properties, it helps in sweating. Garlic has antitoxic, antifungal, anti-bacterial properties and helps in reducing fever. Chewing 2-3 cloves of garlic is beneficial in reducing fever.

Ginger -

Ginger is also anti-bacterial like turmeric. Chewing a piece of ginger dipped in honey is beneficial for health. This makes it beneficial to deal with heat naturally.

Do not forget to seek the help of this treatment if you are experiencing fever and chills due to cold.

For More Details, Pl take your doctor advice before taking home remedies.