Yogasana Health Tips - 07

Yogasana Health Tips - 07

 Crescent  (अर्धचंद्रासन)

The shape of the body looks like a crescent, so it is called 'crescent moon':


Even in this asana, sit-in Vajrasana position and stand on your knees, inhale, fold your arms, bend at the waist and lean back. Neck, head time:

Do this seat two to three times.


1) This posture is very useful for the thyroid.

2) This asana relieves respiratory and lung problems. 3) Asana is very useful in low back pain, sleep disc, spondylitis, and spinal problems.

Vajrasana (वज्रासन)

This asana makes the body as strong as Vajra, hence it is called Vajrasana.


Bend both legs at the knees and place the buttocks on the soles of both feet. Connect both toes and keep the back, waist and neck straight. Keep both hands straight at the knees and hold the position for five to thirty minutes with long breathing.

Initially sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Then it can be done slowly for half an hour. Benefits:

1) Vajrasana is the only seat. Which we can do after a meal. This asana intensifies digestion and digests food faster. There is no gas and it is beneficial in other diseases of the stomach.

2) You can meditate in this asana. The restlessness of the mind goes away. 3) This asana eliminates ankle and knee problems. As well as the spine

Increases the strength of the spine, waist, thighs, knees, and legs. 4) Sperm defect, semen defect is removed. It also eliminates the problem of women's menstruation.

Supta Vajrasana (सुप्त वज्रासन)

Supta means sleeping in this asana, sitting on Vajrasana and sleeping on the back, so it is called Supta Vajrasana.


Sit in the Vajrayana and lie on your back with your back bent. Keep both thighs aligned with each other. Keep the knees resting on the ground. Place both hands under the head like a pillow. Keep breathing long. When the seat is complete, sit up with your hands. Saab:

1) Practicing this asana strengthens all the endocrine glands (kidney gland, male gland, laryngeal gland, top gland).

2) Inflammation of the stomach is relieved and constipation is removed. 3) Metal loss, nightmares, kidney stones, tonsils, bronchial problems, asthma etc. would have been cured.

Matsyasana (मत्स्यासन)

Fish is a fish. In this asana, the body shape looks like a fish, so it is called 'Matsyasana'.


Sit in the position of Padmasana and lie on your back slowly with the support of your hands. Hold the toes of both feet with both hands and place the corners of the hands on the ground. Inhale and lift up to the waist and chest, keep the part of the head and waist on the ground, hold your breath and keep your eyes on the head, exhale and get up with the help of your hands and sit in Padmasana.


Sit for half a minute to two minutes.


1) All stomach ailments are eliminated. Constipation goes away.

2) It develops in the chest and lungs.

3) All throat and respiratory diseases are eliminated.

4) Relieves asthma and cough.

5) Women get all the diseases related to menstruation.

Pregnancy  (गर्भधारणा


Sit in Padmasana and lie on your back slowly with your hands on your hips. Exhale and lift Padmasana's thigh. Lean the corners of both hands on the ground, support the waist with the palms of the hands, weigh the full body weight on the neck and shoulders and bring both knees to the side of the head. Exhale and hum. You can hum Oom 5 to 21 times. After completing the asana, sit in Padmasana with the help of hands.


1 minute to 5 minutes


1) This asana cures all diseases.

2) This asana activates the thyroid gland and helps in increasing height.

3) This asana increases the memory wonderfully.

4) Spine becomes healthy and flexible.

5) Increases the brightness of the face makes the face beautiful, energetic, radiant.

Yoga posture  (योग मुद्रा)

This mudra is very useful in the practice of yoga as it is called 'Yoga mudrasana'.


1) Sit in Padmasana with both hands behind your back and hold your right hand with your left hand. Exhale, lean forward, and rest your chin on the ground. Take a deep breath and sit up straight. Time:

Do this asana three to five times. Action 2:

Sit in the Padmasana, place the left hand on the bembi first, place the right hand on it, exhale, bend forward and place the chin on the ground. Inhale and sit up straight, repeat this action with your hands. Time:

Do both actions two to three times on both sides.


1) This asana causes gastritis. It also cures gas, indigestion, and chronic constipation.

2) Helps to control diabetes by activating pancreas