Cloves Home Remedies with Benefits

Cloves Home Remedies with Benefits


Clove belongs to the Ritasia family.

Cloves are flowering plants of the Myrtaceous family, fragrant Syzygies. They are found in the Maluku (or Moluccas) Islands in Indonesia and are widely used as a spice. [Chambers are available year-round due to different harvest seasons in different countries.

The clove tree is evergreen and grows up to 8-12 meters (26-39 ft) tall, with large leaves and red flowers collected in clusters. The flowers begin to turn pale, gradually turn green, and turn bright red when ready to be harvested. The cloves are harvested 1.5-2 inches (0.59-0.79 in) long and consist of a long clove that ends up in four spreading sepals, with four open leaves forming a small ball in the middle.

The clove is not only one of the most delicious and beautiful spices in the world, but also an antiseptic. It also has many medicinal properties. Clove is also a good remedy for many ailments.

If you have teeth, grind five cloves and mix one lemon juice in it. Massage around the toothache. Mix 2-3 drops of clove oil in one tablespoon of olive oil. Rub a cotton ball and place it next to the sore tooth for relief.

In case of cough, cold, and phlegm, prepare the decoction by mixing ten grams of wheat bran, five cloves, salt in a cup of water. Drinking gives relief when it is a little cold.

When the nose is closed, add a few drops of clove oil to boiling water. Smoke will benefit. Combine clove powder and pomegranate peel in equal proportions. Mix this mixture with half a teaspoon of honey and eat it 2-3 times a day.

After coughing, heat 2-3 cloves in Tawa, and cook. This will cause the phlegm to come out. Make a paste of 2-3 cloves and 1-2 cloves of garlic in your throat. Drink this mixture with a teaspoon of honey in a cup of water. It helps to chew cloves 2-3 times a day with a sore throat. It is very helpful to mix four cloves with water and drink them.

 After the fever, combine three cloves of flour, two cardamoms, two teaspoons of dill, 6-7 basil leaves, a slice of cinnamon in two cups of water, and prepare the extract. It helps to take it twice a day.

Spit should be kept in the mouth and chewed lightly to remove the useful acid in the acid. Add 15 gms of amla juice, five gms of cloves, 1 tbsp of honey, 1 teaspoon of sugar. Take one teaspoon of this mixture with warm water three times a day.

On the head, make a paste of 2-3 cloves of flour, a little salt, and water together. Massage the forehead with this attachment.

Boil five cloves wrapped in a cup of water on the head. Serve morning and evening with a little sugar. The clove provides instant relief when the nose is closed

It has long been used in traditional medicine, there is evidence that eugenol-containing clove oil is effective in toothache and other forms of pain. 

Studies to determine their effectiveness in reducing colds, such as mosquito repellent, and to prevent premature ejaculation were inconsistent. 

It is always forbidden that blood sugar levels be reduced by cloves or clove oil. [9] The use of clove for any medical purpose is prohibited by the US Food and Drug Administration and its use may cause adverse effects if taken orally by people with liver disease, blood clots, and systemic disorders, or allergies.

Cloves used in traditional medicine as essential oils, used as anodyne (analgesic) especially in dental emergencies and other problems