Almonds are an Indian Ayurvedic medicinal plant. Almond seeds are nutritious and tonic.

Almond is a deciduous tree native to Central and West Asia and is still found in the wild. The. Europe, America (California), Australia and the.

Almonds are grown in Africa. In India, Su. 760-2,400 m Almonds are grown up to height (in Kashmir).

 It covers an area of ​​2,400 hectares and produces 5,600 quintals of almonds; Also in Himachal Pradesh, crops are grown on 200 hectares; In the hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh, Su. Almonds are cultivated in 5,000 hectares.

Almonds Health Benefits

Almonds generate energy in the body. Are you also trying to lose weight? Then regular soaked almonds must be eaten.

According to the International Journal of Obesity-Related Metabolic Disorders, almonds should be included in the diet as they are low in calories.

Almonds help with digestion, frequent hunger, and metabolic syndrome, which is a leading cause of obesity. It is possible to cut it to 500 calories per day without using a gym or following a strict diet.

Almonds are an ingredient in dried fruits and are used in sweets, ice cream, and cakes. Due to its low sugar content and high fiber content, it is used as a diet for diabetics.

100 g 21 · 7 gms from almonds. Carbohydrates, 49 g. Fat, 21 g. Protein as well as minerals rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium, E, and B-group vitamins are available. So, almonds are nutritious.

* Eat soaked almonds because ...

Almonds are full of nutrients. Almonds contain many nutrients like Vitamin E, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Omega-3, Fatty Acids. Almonds should be eaten soaked in water as it removes the turf or peels from the almonds easily. Peanut butter does not benefit the body much.

Advantages: -

1. You can get the nutrients that the body needs in almonds. If you cannot eat nutritious food, you should include almonds in your diet. So, you can get the nutrients you need for good health.

2. Antioxidants are very important for your good health. Antioxidants have the power to fight disease. They help in controlling diseases like cancer and heart disease, so the consumption of almonds is essential. This is because almonds are high in antioxidants. That is why it is recommended to eat almonds.

3. Almond oil is extracted so that it contains fat. But the fat in almonds is essential for your body.

Almonds can help you control your cholesterol levels if you have them. You can benefit from the right number of almonds.

4. Almonds also have the power to fight cancer with both hands. The antioxidants in almonds keep away diseases.

One of the biggest and scariest diseases is cancer. Regular consumption of almonds can cure cancer. So, you should eat almonds.

5. Even if you are a diabetic, you can still consume almonds. Because almonds aid in blood sugar regulation.

If you do not want to develop diabetes in the future, almonds should be a regular part of your diet.

6. People with heart disease should eat almonds. Almonds are great for your health.

Keeping cholesterol under control, which is not important for your body, reduces the chances of having a heart attack. Therefore, it is necessary to consume almonds.

7. If you want to control your weight, you must eat almonds regularly. Because almonds help control your excess appetite.

 Moreover, when you eat almonds during such hunger, the wrong fat that goes into the body at the wrong time is not lost. So it helps you to control your weight.

8. If you have high blood pressure, then you must eat almonds. Almonds help control your blood pressure. Almonds contain healthy fats, a source of protein, magnesium, and vitamin E, so your blood pressure stays under control.

9. Sometimes some people have a habit of eating what they do not want for no reason. So, no matter how much you diet, your appetite is out of control. If you have such an extra appetite, if you eat almonds in the middle and wrong appetite, your appetite will be under control. It can give you the energy your body needs.

10. Many people have heard it said that eat almonds to increases intelligence. L It is very true. Works to relax your brain. So your intellect stays brilliant. You remember things well. Therefore, children are advised to eat almonds.

11. Almond oil is also good for hair and massaging the scalp has amazing properties like hair growth and strength.

Disadvantages: -

 Almonds are high in manganese, manganese is an element/metal.

Eating too many almonds can cause indigestion, as well as diarrhea, gas, headaches, bile, mouth sores, 

and constipation.