Different 13 Types of Pranayama

Different 13 Types of Pranayama

1) Kapalbhati Pranayama

The act of exhaling while sitting in any meditation posture with the spine and neck straight is called 'Kapalbhati Pranayama'. No need to breathe. Let the breath go in naturally.

While doing this pranayama, one should think that with every breath, all the diseases, work, anger, temptation, greed in my body is disappearing. 

Time: 5 to 10 minutes

Different 13 Types of Pranayama


i) This pranayama makes the face beautiful, energetic, radiant.

ii) All leprosy, asthma, allergies, etc. Are destroyed.

iii) Increases memory. Heart, lung disorders and their function

iv) Stomach diseases, acidity, diabetes, kidney diseases are eliminated, and weight loss is achieved.

v) This pranayama explores all the chakras.

2) Anulom-Vilom

Sit in any meditation position and close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand with the thumb of the right hand and inhale if possible, with the left nostril, then close the left nostril with the middle finger and anonymously and exhale slowly on the right side. 

Then inhale on the right side and release on the left side. This became the action of Anulom Vilom Pranayama.

Time: Do this pranayama for 5 to 10 minutes.


i) This pranayama purifies the entire vascular system in the body. In your body

There are 72 crores 72 lakh 10 thousand 210 pulses.

ii) This pranayama alleviates tridosha and causes phlegm, cold, flu, cough, tonsillitis, asthma, rheumatism, urinary tract disease, metallurgy, rheumatism, phlegm and talk etc. All diseases are eradicated.

 3) Nadishodhana Pranayama


The action of this pranayama is very similar to anulom-vilom pranayama and only in this you should hold your breath for 40 seconds and then hold your breath for 60 seconds. 


Pranayama should be done for 100 seconds.

 4) Bhastrika Pranayama

Inhale as much as possible with both nostrils until the chest is full. Then exhale through the nose. This action is called Bhastrika Pranayama.

Time: Do this action for 3 minutes.


i) All leprosy, colds, asthma, cough, etc. The disease goes away and the work of the lungs and heart increases.

ii) All the cells of the body are supplied with oxygen and pure blood and the body is cleansed by eliminating fences and foreign substances.

iii) The mind, intellect, and prana become stable and Kundalini power is awakened.

 5) Tribandha-Mukta Bahay ( external) pranayama

Exhale completely and hold your breath with the help of Mulbandh, Uddiyan Bandh, and Jalandhar Bandh. 

When you feel the urge to breathe, leave the bandage and breathe slowly again.

Time: You can do the action from 3 to 21 times.


i) Due to this pranayama all stomach ailments are removed, and digestion is increased.

ii) The body becomes pure.

iii) All metal diseases are removed.

 6) Agnisar Kriya


Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Vajrasana and keep both hands on the knees. 

Exhale and hold the outside and move the stomach in and out 15 to 20 times. 

Then do this action 3 to 5 times with normal breathing.


Stomach disorders go away and digestion increases.

7) Ujjayi Pranayama

It is called Ujjayi Pranayama as it makes a loud noise while doing Pranayama.


In this pranayama, place the chin on the chest and breathe through the throat. There is a wheezing sound when you inhale. 

After filling the chest completely, stop for 15 to 20 seconds and exhale through the left nostril.


The larynx eliminates all diseases of the respiratory tract and throat.

 8) Bhramari Pranayama

Action 1:

Inhale and place the thumbs of both hands in the ears and close the ears so that nothing is heard outside. Then place the index finger on the head. 

Place the rest of the finger on the eye with the eyes closed and close the lips and hum like a beetle.

Do this pranayama 5 to 21 times in this way. This action should be done as often as possible, gradually increasing. Verb 20

Different 13 Types of Pranayama

In the second action, keep only the index finger in the ear, keep the eyes and lips closed, and hum like a beetle. Do this pranayama 5 to 21 times.


i) This pranayama develops memory.

ii) This pranayama is useful for mental stress, high blood pressure, heart disease etc. as well as for meditation.

9) Udgiya Pranayama


Close your eyes and breathe in, fixing your vision between your eyebrows. Hold your breath for 10 to 15 seconds and exhale while chanting loudly with your mouth. 

The crocodile should be pronounced with the mouth open, and the lips closed at the time of crocodile.


Chant Om five to twenty-one times, after Japan, rub both hands on each other and give warmth to the eyes. Complete the pranayama by turning the hot hand over the whole face, benefits:

This pranayama is very useful for meditation and samadhi by concentrating the mind, intellect, and Chitta.

 10) Sunburn pranayama

Action 1:

Sit in any meditation and breathe through the right nostril. Breathing

Hold for 15 to 20 seconds and then exhale through the right nostril. Time:

Do this action 5 to 10 times.

 Action 2:

Sit in any meditation seat and inhale with the right nostril, hold for 15 to 20 seconds and exhale with the left nostril. Inhale with the right nostril and exhale with the left nostril 5 to 10 times each time.


As the name suggests, this pranayama raises the body temperature and cures phlegmatic diseases.

 11) Chandrabhedi Pranayama


i) Moon pranayama is the exact opposite of sun piercing pranayama. In this

Inhale with the left nostril, hold for 15 to 20 seconds and exhale with the left nostril. Do this action 5 to 10 times.

ii) After this, breathe in through the left nostril again, hold for 15 to 20 seconds and exhale through the right nostril. Inhale with the left nostril and exhale with the right nostril 5 to 10 times each time.


i) With this pranayama, the heat is reduced by carrying the body heat.

ii) It is used in fever and heat-related diseases.

12) Karnapidantaka Pranayama


This involves inhaling with both nostrils, holding the breath in, holding the nose with the hands, trying to exhale loudly through the ears, releasing the breath again and pushing hard again. 

Time: Do these 3 to 5 times.


As the name suggests, this pranayama cures all ear diseases.

13) Shitali Pranayama


In cold pranayama, do 5 to 10 repetitions like folding the tongue on both sides like a tube, inhaling through the tongue, exhaling through the tongue and exhaling through the nose 

Also in cold pranayama, stick the tongue to the palate, place both the teeth on top of each other, inhale and exhale through the nose.

Do this pranayama 5 to 10 times.


i) This pranayama helps in increasing the body fat.

ii) This pranayama is in heat disorder and fever.Useful

iii) It is beneficial in bile and bile diseases.

iv) This pranayama prolongs the disease of teeth, throat, nose, and tongue.